Accepted payment methods

Simple, fast and reliable

Pick your preferred payment method among the various payment options.
BERNSTEIN offers classical payment methods like bank transfer alongside with several alternatives like Paypal, Credit card or ApplePay.

Overview of payment methods

Credit card

Pay quickly, safely and conveniently by credit card. At the end of the ordering process you will be redirected to your credit card provider.

Please note that the transaction can take up to two working days.

Attention: Credit card holder and name of the ordering party must be identical.


Paypal payments are also accepted. Your payment will reach us faster and will allow an earlier shipment of your order.

  • Klarna Pay now
Safe payment thanks to multi-level authentication via online banking!

  • Klarna Pay later
 Shop now. Pay later. Quite simply: with the Klarna billing!      

More Informations Klarna

Payment in advance (Bank transfer)

Payment can be performed via bank transfer. In this case, please be aware that the payment might require a couple of days to reach us and allow us to proceed with the shipment of your order. As soon as the payment will be received by our accounting department the goods will be shipped.

Bank details

Name of bank: Commerzbank Kelkheim
IBAN: DE26500400000279944300
Account holder: Nextrend GmbH
VAT identification number: DE260459452

Please specify your ORDER ID as payment reason.